AI for B2B Sales Lead Generation

AI for B2B Sales Lead Generation
June 9, 2020

In 2020, face-to-face prospecting is a thing of the past. Companies that struggle with digital prospecting will struggle to meet their sales targets.  

A custom Rehinged Sales Intelligence Dashboard gives you the power of AI and comprehensive data processing, in the cloud, to deliver perhaps the most important market data for your business: quality leads.

AI Lead Gen

Rehinged's new offering for B2B sales lead generation uses artificial intelligence and our real-time data processing engine to identify the companies who are the best fit for your product and services, and feed them directly to you by

  • Identifying key buying signals delivered by announcements, news, videos, hiring, financials, industry data or social media
  • Using a custom scoring algorithm developed specifically for your best prospects
  • Monitoring the most important data sources, in real-time, and processing daily

Today, we’re pleased to announce that these custom sales lead generation applications are now available for members of our Early Access Partner Program for our AI platform.

B2B Sales Lead Generation for the Modern Sales Team

Today, more than ever, companies need to be able to identify and qualify B2B prospects online. AI can help. Our Sales Intelligence Dashboard enables sales and marketing teams and the C-suite to gain market feedback, in real-time, in a fraction of the time of performing manual market research.

And that time could mean the difference between winning the sale or wondering how your competition landed it.

Business Leads AI App

A Proven Use Case for Our AI Platform

Market research budgets are in flux during the pandemic of 2020, but many B2B sales teams are more focused than ever on digital transformation of their lead generation activities.

With ZoomInfo’s IPO last week (the first tech IPO during the pandemic of 2020) it’s clear that tech firms are working to modernize this $24 billion market. 

Fresh Leads Every Morning

Salespeople don't need yet another article feed or contact list that adds to their workload and sucks up more time. What you need is to optimize your prospecting to get high-quality leads delivered to you daily. Rehinged can deliver them to your email, phone or directly into your CRM.

Real-Time Signals

Our AI engine runs every day, ensuring you capture the information while it’s fresh, and before your competitors find it.

Customized to Find Your Best Prospects

Other lead generation services use generic criteria and share it with hundreds of companies. Or they call into a company once a year to gather data manually. With Rehinged, you get a customized algorithm that interprets the right mix of real-time signals to identify the right companies for your products or services, based on real-time signals they emit.

Get in Early

Selling high-value professional services? Build your relationship before your competition, and win the business before it goes out to a competitive bid.

Eliminate Friction

Instead of logging into numerous different contact enrichment and article feeds, have a continuous feed delivered to the platform that optimized your time.

Automated Research for 2020

AI is automating most repetitive tasks. Why have your best salespeople spending hours per day on research? They’re good at selling, not researching online. Use our real-time data processing engine and custom AI models to set it and forget it.

Book a demo with us to see how to automate your prospecting and get fresh leads every morning.

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